Tour Bellevue Montessori School’s Elementary program. Tours for the following school year begin in mid-October.
If spaces are available, Bellevue Montessori School will email you a link to our application form to complete on-line. The application must be accompanied by
a one-time, non-refundable application fee of $175, paid by credit card. This application fee is for new students only. Please note that an application does not guarantee a spot in our program. If enrollment is full, you will be offered to complete a waitlist form. There is no fee to go on our waitlist. Once an appropriate placement becomes available, you will be sent the link to the application form.
The non-refundable deposit payment is your tuition payment for the upcoming school year.
After you have submitted an Application for Enrollment, you will be sent an additional link to a Request for Records form and Teacher Recommendation Form. This allows Bellevue Montessori to request the previous year’s progress reports and any other assessments as well as a teacher recommendation from your child’s prior school. A link for this form will be sent to you once we have received your application form.
After we receive the evaluation form and academic records, you will be contacted to schedule a half-day classroom visit for your child. Prior to your child's visit, you will be required to fill out a Health Form and Consent to Treat Form.
If your child is accepted for admission, Bellevue Montessori School will email you an Enrollment Offer according to the Enrollment Schedule found below on the page.
Complete the Enrollment Form and Contract and make the non-refundable first deposit payment within 14 days of receiving the enrollment offer.
The non-refundable deposit payment is your June tuition payment for the upcoming school year.
Financial Assistance is available.
Bellevue Montessori School uses School and Student Services (SSS) to determine eligibility. For more than 50 years, School and Student Services has helped connect students with an exceptional education through financial aid awards.
The required forms are: Health Form, Immunization (CIS), Consent for Emergency Treatment, Photo Use Permission, Elementary Universal Permission Slip.
It is important for parents to understand that when they choose a Montessori education they are committing to a multi-year educational process. During the first year, the younger child learns the process of making and being responsible for their choices, increasing their focus as they work on their chosen activity and gaining fine motor control, problem solving skills, and the ability to take on larger projects and work collaboratively in a group. As the child develops positive work habits and gains basic skills in the language area, they are able to take full advantage of the Montessori integrated curriculum. In the child’s final year, all of these skills come together as the older child takes on larger works, expressing their knowledge through creative projects in all areas and reinforcing their knowledge and gaining leadership skills by teaching their younger peers.