Bellevue Montessori School


18-36 months

The program offers a well-balanced range of activities contributing to the toddler's overall development. Within a warm and inviting home-like environment are three Toddler Classrooms, each equipped with a spacious playground, garden, and Sensory Pathway.

Our dedicated and trained Teachers have carefully designed a classroom that aligns with the Montessori Curriculum and caters to the developmental needs of the children. Using appropriate materials, we aim to enhance language development, promote independence, and strengthen fine and gross motor skills. The classroom's layout and design also encourage focused work, allowing children to develop their concentration abilities. Furthermore, we regularly update the activities to ensure they align with the evolving needs of the children.

Each Toddler classroom offers a tailored curriculum that addresses the specific requirements of both Junior Toddlers, who are explorers seeking movement and language-based activities, and Senior Toddlers, who are self-discoverers and thrive in social interactions.

Toddler Curriculum

Practical Life Activities

Food Preparation, Flower Arranging, Taking Care of the Environment, Taking Care of Self (undressing, dressing, grooming, using the toilet by oneself).

Toddler working on Montessori Practical Life skills


In a Montessori classroom, the Trained Staff person holds a special role as a valuable Language material for the child. They play a crucial part in fostering the child's language development through meaningful interactions. The staff members aim to satiate the child's innate curiosity and hunger for language through back-and-forth conversations, shared reading experiences, joyful songs, and captivating storytelling. These interactions create a rich language environment where the child can absorb and acquire language skills naturally and joyfully.

Montessori  toddler reading in the classroom


In the Montessori classroom, we prioritize the importance of sensory experiences for your toddler. Our environment is designed to stimulate their senses and encourage exploration. All the materials in the classroom are thoughtfully arranged within their reach, allowing your child to choose and engage with them independently.

Toddler working with Montessori Sensorial materials


The mathematical mind of the toddler flourishes through a tapestry of practical life activities. Pouring activities unveil the secrets of volume and angle, while fixed routines unveil the concept of time. Gross motor skills, stacking, sorting, and sequencing become gateways to numerical understanding. The mathematical world unfolds from setting up the snack table to everyday conversations, subtly and unconsciously.

Montessori toddler working in the classroom

Art and Music

Art takes myriad forms for toddlers to express themselves effortlessly, embracing their budding dexterity. From brush strokes to rhythmic melodies, the Toddler environment resonates with songs and musical instruments, nourishing their artistic spirit.

Montessori toddler painting
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